
Thursday, October 4, 2012

DIY: Halloween Costume Ideas

I've always had a blast dressing up for Halloween! In the past I've been everything from a lion (above -- and yes, that is my hair, teased out and pinned around my face as a mane!) to Edward Scissorhands, to Woody Allen (partner costume, one of my bffs was Annie Hall), to a "walk-of-shame" (think messy hair, smeared mascara, high heels with a cute going out top... and boxer shorts!). The lion was the most fun, but it was a real pain -- literally -- un-lion-mane-ing my hair the next day :)

Anyway, Halloween is less than 4 weeks away, so it's time to start brainstorming costume ideas! Last year my husband and I didn't do anything for Halloween (the soccer team he coaches had a game that night) and this year I'm bound and determined that we hit the town in style.

Half the fun of a Halloween costume, in my opinion, is making it! So here is a round-up of awesome DIY Halloween costumes from around the web...

1) Tooth Fairy & Tooth from Julie Ann Art

First, how adorable is this couple's costume idea from Julie Ann Art? She even has a tutorial for how to make the tooth costume here!

2) Pretty Owl Costume from A Beautiful Mess

This DIY owl costume is just gorgeous! I especially love the eye makeup. I always tend toward sillier (see above) instead of pretty costumes, but maybe this year it's time to do something different...

3) Mary Poppins Costume from Keiko Lynn

Such a cute idea, right?! And simple to do... the main things needed are a white blouse, A-line skirt, and umbrella! One question remains: how hard would it be to convince my husband to dress up as a chimney sweep? (Visit her blog post to see the chimney sweep costume!)

4) Chicken Costume from Martha Stewart

Just so we're clear, I realize that this is a child's costume. But it could be adapted for an adult, too! And I love dressing up as animals (see above, haha!).

5) Dinosaur Dog Costume from Martha Stewart

Two years ago was the first Halloween we had our dogs... Roscoe was an M&M and Pepper was a present (hers was kind of last minute... she just had a huge bow around her neck. It was sad, really). I LOVE this dino costume idea!

What about you? Any big plans for your Halloween costume, or tutorials you'd like to share? What's your favorite past Halloween costume?


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